
好健康熱頭條 ─ 憂鬱女性的狂飲風險  Binge Drinking Risk in Depressed Women 
好健康小單字 – 憂鬱 (Depression) 
  好健康熱頭條 ─ 憂鬱女性的狂飲風險 


狂飲(Binge drinking)的定義是在單一飲酒場合中,喝五杯或以上的酒精性飲料。

該研究是由Kathryn Graham博士和研究同仁所共同執行的,Graham博士在加拿大的西安大略省大學心理部門及安大略省倫敦市成癮暨心理健康中心服務;研究報告發表於元月號的《酒癮:臨床暨實驗研究》期刊中。









* 持續性的悲傷、悲觀
* 感到罪惡感、無價值感、無助感或無望感
* 對例行日常生活活動失去興趣或愉悅感,包括性。
* 難以專注,並抱怨記憶力變差 。
* 共存慢性病的惡化,像是風濕性關節炎或糖尿病。
* 失眠或睡眠過多
* 體重異常增加或減少
* 疲倦、缺乏能量
* 焦慮、煩燥不安、易怒
* 想自殺或有輕生的念頭
* 說話和行動皆緩慢
* 頭痛、胃痛及消化問題
  Binge Drinking Risk in Depressed Women 
Binge drinking may be more common in people with major depression, especially women, a Canadian study shows.

In a telephone poll of more than 14,000 Canadian men and women, researchers found those with major depression -- especially the women -- were more likely to report drinking five or more drinks per occasion.

Binge drinking is defined as consuming five or more alcoholic beverages on one occasion.

The study was done by Kathryn Graham, PhD, and colleagues. Graham works in the psychology department at Canada's University of Western Ontario and at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in London, Ontario.

It is reported in the January issue of Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research.
In the poll, participants answered questions about their drinking habits in the past week and the past year, as well as questions about depression symptoms.

Of those polled, about 10% of the women and nearly 6% of the men had symptoms that met the diagnostic criteria for major depression.

Most of the poll's participants weren't heavy drinkers. Fewer than two in 10 said they drank more than once or twice a week. And participants reported drinking only two drinks per occasion, on average.

Although those with major depression were more likely to binge, they didn't appear to drink more frequently than those who weren't depressed.

"Depression is most strongly related to a pattern of binge drinking," Graham says in a journal news release. "A pattern of frequent but low quantity drinking is not associated with depression."

In the study, people who were just feeling low but did not have major depression weren't particularly likely to binge drink.

The study leaves some unanswered questions.

Which came first, depression or binge drinking?

Participants weren't followed over time. So it's not clear whether major depression led to binge drinking, whether binge drinking caused the major depression, or whether other factors were at work.

Past studies on depression and drinking have had mixed results, Graham notes. She and her colleagues call for more research on alcohol and depression.

Major depression isn't the same as briefly feeling blue. It's a serious -- and often treatable -- condition that can lead to an inability to function, or even to suicide.

People with major depression may experience five or more of the following symptoms for at least two weeks:

• Persistent sadness, pessimism
• Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness, or hopelessness
• Loss of interest or pleasure in usual activities, including sex
• Difficulty concentrating and complaints of poor memory
• Worsening of coexisting chronic disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis or diabetes
• Insomnia or oversleeping
• Weight gain or loss
• Fatigue, lack of energy
• Anxiety, agitation, irritability
• Thoughts of suicide or death
• Slow speech; slow movements
• Headache, stomachache, and digestive problems

SOURCES: Graham, K. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, January 2007; vol 31. WebMD Medical Reference: "Understanding Depression -- The Basics." WebMD Medical Reference: "Understanding Depression -- Symptoms." News release, Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research.
WebMD Medical News
by Miranda Hitti
  好健康小單字 – 憂鬱 (Depression)
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