
好健康熱頭條 ─ 肉類增加胃癌風險 Meat May Boost Risk of Stomach Cancer 
好健康小單字─幽門螺旋桿菌(Helicobacter pylori ,H. pylori) 
  好健康熱頭條 ─ 肉類增加胃癌風險



包括西班牙巴塞隆納嘉泰羅尼亞腫瘤協會Carlos Gonzalez醫師在內的研究人員們指出,尤其是指紅肉與加工肉;他們的研究結果刊載在全國癌症協期刊(Journal of the National Cancer Institute)中。

* 紅肉:豬肉、牛肉、小牛肉、羊肉
* 禽肉:雞肉、火雞肉、鴨肉
* 加工肉:火腿、培根、香腸、加工過的肉片、漢堡、肉丸、以及小肉塊
* 蔬菜
* 水果



研究人員們強調,需要針對吃較多肉類的人做進一步的研究,特別是紅肉與加工肉,看看是不是比較容易罹患一種稱為gastric noncardia cancer的特殊胃癌。「gastric」代表胃;「noncardia」則是與胃內罹患癌症的位置有關,cardia是胃靠近食道的部分。

這種病主要是出現在感染幽門螺旋桿菌(Helicobacter pylori ,H. pylori)的人身上,幽門螺旋桿菌會導致胃炎,讓胃內層發炎、刺激、或是腐蝕,沒有治療的話,慢性胃炎會導致潰瘍與胃癌;然而,幽門螺旋桿菌很常見,而且不一定會導致潰瘍或胃癌。

* 各國消費的肉類都大不相同。
* 吃最多紅肉的人與吃最少紅肉的人相較之下,比較可能曾經抽菸,而抽菸會增加胃癌風險。
* 吃最多加工肉的人所吃的水果與蔬菜,比吃最少的加工肉人少。

  Meat May Boost Risk of Stomach Cancer 
Eating a lot of meat may raise the risk of a certain type of stomach cancer, new research shows.
Researchers studied more than half a million adults in 10 European countries for nearly 6.5 years. Participants provided information about their diets at the study's start.
The vast majority of people didn't develop stomach cancer during the study. However, people who ate meaty diets -- and were infected with a certain bacterium -- were more likely to get a particular type of stomach cancer.
Red meats and processed meats stood out, write the researchers. They included Carlos Gonzalez, MD, PhD, of the Catalan Institute of Oncology in Barcelona, Spain.
The study appears in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.
Dietary Data
When the study started, most participants were 35-70 years old and weren't known to have cancer. They provided blood samples and completed questionnaires about their diets and lifestyles.
Participants estimated their daily intake of these foods:
· Red meat: pork, beef, veal, lamb
· Poultry: chicken, turkey, duck
· Processed meat: ham, bacon, sausages, processed meat cuts, hamburgers, meatballs, and pates
· Vegetables
· Fruit
The surveys also covered smoking, alcohol use, and physical activity. No one was asked to change their diets or lifestyles; the study was purely observational. That is, the researchers observed who got stomach cancer and who didn't as the years passed.
Study's Results
During the study, 330 participants developed stomach cancer. That's a "relatively low" number for such a big group, write the researchers.
Stressing the need for further study, the researchers note that people who ate more meat -- especially red meat and processed meats -- were more likely to get a particular type of stomach cancer called gastric noncardia cancer.
"Gastric" means stomach. "Noncardia" refers to the cancer's location within the stomach. The cardia is the part of the stomach nearest to the esophagus.
That pattern was mainly seen in people infected with the intestinal bacteria Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). H. pylori may cause gastritis, which is the inflammation, irritation, or erosion of the stomach's lining. Without treatment, chronic gastritis can lead to ulcers and stomach cancer.
However, H. pylori is common and doesn't always lead to ulcers or stomach cancer.
Other findings included:
· Meat consumption varied widely between countries.
· People who ate the most red meat were more likely to have ever smoked than those who ate the least red meat. Smokers have increased risk for stomach cancer.
· People who ate the most processed meat ate fewer fruits and vegetables than those who ate the least amount of processed meat.
The study doesn't prove that meat caused any cases of stomach cancer, and it doesn't include dietary recommendations.

SOURCES: Gonzalez, C. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, March 1, 2006; vol 98: pp 345-354. WebMD Medical Reference in collaboration with The Cleveland Clinic: "Digestive Diseases: Gastritis." News release, Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

WebMD Medical News
by Miranda Hitti
  好健康小單字─幽門螺旋桿菌(Helicobacter pylori ,H. pylori)
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