好健康熱頭條 ─ 口交傳染性病 Oral Sex May Spread Common STD
好健康小單字─ 性病 (sexually transmitted disease,STD)
好健康熱頭條 ─ 口交傳染性病
澳洲研究團隊指出:口交會提高男性罹患一種常見性病的風險(sexually transmitted disease,STD),該性病為非淋菌性尿道炎(nongonococcal urethritis,NGU)。
NGU是一種尿道炎,也就是尿道發生感染,尿道為將尿液從膀胱帶出體外的管道,最常見的病原為砂眼披衣菌(Chlamydia trachomatis)感染;美國疾病管制局(CDC)指出,NGU感染的通報人數被低估,因為實際受感染的人並未意識到自己罹病,且未尋求接受醫學檢驗。
* 排尿時有疼痛或灼熱感。
* 排尿困難
NGU在男性和女性中皆常見,澳洲的研究僅將男性納入研究;不論是異性戀或同性戀男性,口交和較不常見的感染原因有關聯;研究團隊包括Catriona Bradshaw醫師及其同仁。
這些男性大約平均32歲,他們都作了性生活的問卷調查,提供尿液檢體及接受外陰部的檢查;那些有著NGU症狀的男性,同時也接受尿道抹片檢查(urethral smear),它是一種醫學檢驗,以偵側出可能會造成感染的致病原。
評論執筆者H. Hunter Handsfield醫師表示,這項研究「是瞭解這個常見且經常是令人感到沮喪症狀的良性過渡階段,」但需要進行更多的研究,才能更深入瞭解NGU。
Oral Sex May Spread Common STD
Oral sex raises the risk of a common sexually transmitted disease (STD) called nongonococcal urethritis (NGU) in men, Australian researchers report.
NGU is a type of urethritis, an infection of the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder to outside the body. One of the most common causes is Chlamydia trachomatis infection, yet it is underreported because a substantial number of people are not aware of their infection and do not seek testing, according to the CDC.
Other less common bacteria and viruses can also cause NGU.
Symptoms include:
· Pain or burning during urination
· A discharge from the urethra
A significant number of men do not experience symptoms; this can contribute the continued spread of the STD.
NGU is common among men and women. The Australian study only included men.
Oral sex was linked to less common infectious causes of NGU in heterosexual men and men who have sex with men. The researchers include Catriona Bradshaw, MD, and colleagues.
Bradshaw works in Australia's Melbourne Sexual Health Centre and the University of Melbourne.
The study appears in The Journal of Infectious Diseases.
STD Study
Bradshaw's study included 636 men -- 329 with and 307 without symptoms of NGU -- who were seen at the Melbourne Sexual Health Centre.
The men were about 32 years old, on average. They completed surveys about their sexual practices, gave urine samples, and got genital examinations. Those with NGU symptoms also got a urethral smear, a medical test done to detect pathogens that may cause the infection.
NGU was associated with receiving oral sex. It was also associated with unprotected anal sex and unprotected vaginal sex.
Several viruses were associated with NGU, including the herpes virus that causes cold sores (HSV-1). However, herpes sores weren't needed for NGU to spread. HSV-1 was strongly linked to giving oral sex and men who report having sex with men.
The HSV-1 virus was more strongly linked to NGU than another herpes virus, herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2).
Hidden Causes?
The researchers couldn't always identify a virus that caused NGU. There may be viruses that cause NGU that haven't been discovered yet, they write.
Treatment decisions should be based on signs and symptoms associated with urethritis, not just tests done with a microscope, note Bradshaw and colleagues.
The study is "a good interim step in understanding this common and often frustrating syndrome," but more work needs to be done to understand NGU, writes editorialist H. Hunter Handsfield, MD.
Handsfield works in Seattle at the University of Washington's Center for AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Diseases, as well as the university's department of medicine.
The findings raise the importance of oral sex as a source of bacteria and viruses as the cause of this STD and indicate that we should broaden our search for other infectious causes of NGU, the researchers conclude.
SOURCES: Bradshaw, C. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, February 2006; vol 193: pp 336-345. WebMD Medical Reference from Healthwise: "Urethritis." Handsfield, H. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, February 2006; vol 193: pp 333-335. News release, Infectious Diseases Society of America.
WebMD Medical News
by Miranda Hitt
Reviewed By Brunilda Nazario
好健康小單字─ 性病 (sexually transmitted disease,STD)
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