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好健康熱頭條 ─ 心情不好嗎?吃魚吧! In a Bad Mood? Eat Your Fish 
好健康小單字─必需脂肪酸(Essential Fatty Acid,EFA) 
  好健康熱頭條 ─ 心情不好嗎?吃魚吧!


匹茲堡大學醫學院的研究人員Sarah Conkin博士表示,在他們的研究中,血液中omega-3脂肪酸含量低的人比較會有輕度至中度的憂鬱症症狀、比較悶悶不樂、且比較衝動;相反地,血液中omega-3脂肪酸含量較高的人在標準試驗的結果是比較愉快的。




全國酒精濫用中毒協會的精神病學家Joseph Hibbeln醫師表示,omega-3脂肪酸對心臟有益是非常明顯的,但是它對頭腦的好處仍在觀察中,這是個新興的公共衛生議題,但是他們目前還不知道結果。





著有<Omega-3關係>的哈佛大學精神病學教授Andrew L. Stoll醫師表示,大多數的美國人覺得他們所吃的食物中,很難攝取足夠的omega-3脂肪酸。


  In a Bad Mood? Eat Your Fish 
Whether you're seriously depressed or simply in a bad mood, eating salmon and other foods high in omega-3 fatty acids just might help you feel better.
Earlier studies appear to link low blood levels of omega-3s to a host of serious psychological conditions, including major depression, bipolar disorder, attention deficit disorder, and even schizophrenia.

Now new research suggests that omega-3s can have a significant impact on everyone's mental health.
"People in our study who had low blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids were more likely to report mild to moderate symptoms of depression, more moodiness, and more impulsivity," says researcher Sarah Conkin, PhD, of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.

Conversely, people with higher blood levels of omega-3s were found to be more agreeable, based on the results of standardized tests.

Conkin presented the findings at the 46th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society in Denver.

Fish and Flaxseed
The American Heart Association recommends eating at least two servings of fatty fish each week, based on strong evidence that the omega-3 fats found in the fish help protect against cardiovascular disease.

The evidence that omega-3 levels also have an impact on mood disorders is less conclusive but growing, says a researcher who conducted some of the first psychological studies examining the fats.

"It is quite clear that omega-3 fatty acids are good for your heart," says psychiatrist Joseph Hibbeln, MD, of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. "But it remains to be seen how good they are for your mind. It is an emerging public health question, but we don't yet know the answer."

Two types of omega-3 fatty acids are found in fatty fish like salmon, sardines, and mackerel -- eicosapentaenoic acid, or EPA, and docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA. A third omega-3, alpha-linolenic acid, or ALA, is found in plant foods such as flaxseed, soybean oil, walnuts, and canola oil.

Impact of Omega-3 Fats
In the new study involving 106 healthy people without major depression or any other diagnosed mood disorder, those who had low blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids scored worse than those with high levels on tests designed to assess mood, personality, and impulsive behavior.

Conklin says low ALA levels were specifically associated with higher levels of impulsivity, which in more extreme forms manifests as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

"These were normal people who did not have ADHD," she says. "Their impulsivity was not clinically significant, but it was higher than others in the study."

People in the study with low blood levels of EPA and DHA were more likely than others to report experiencing symptoms of mild to moderate depression, Conklin adds.
"Clearly, larger studies are needed to understand the relationship between behavior and these fats," she tells WebMD. "But by following the AHA recommendations to eat two fish meals a week people may be protecting both their hearts and their mental health."

Most People Don't Get Enough
Harvard psychiatry professor Andrew L. Stoll, MD, who wrote the book The Omega-3 Connection, says most Americans find it difficult to get enough omega-3 fatty acids through the foods they eat alone.

He points out that the typical Japanese diet contains as much as 10 times the omega-3 fats as the typical American diet.

He recommends that adults take high-quality fish oil capsules to boost their omega-3 levels, and cut down on their consumption of foods containing omega-6 fats such as foods fried in corn, peanut, and soybean oils.

"It is just hard to get enough omega-3s in this country," he says. "In Japan it is just part of the culture to eat omega-3-rich foods, but that isn't the case here."

SOURCES: 64th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, Denver, March 1-4, 2006. Sarah Conklin, PhD, postdoctoral fellow, cardiovascular behavioral medicine program, department of psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. Andrew L. Stoll, director of psycohopharmacology research, McLean University; associate professor of psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Boston.

WebMD Medical News
by Salynn Boyles
Reviewed By Louise Chang
  好健康小單字─必需脂肪酸(Essential Fatty Acid,EFA)
必需脂肪酸是油脂合成的基本元素,為健康所必需,是一種人體無法自行合成而必須透過食物攝取的脂肪酸,可分為Omega-3及Omega-6兩大類;其主要功能有二:提供細胞膜的重要成份,及前列腺素(Prostaglanding)的合成;這些必需脂肪酸也是多元不飽和脂肪酸(polyunsaturate fatty acids),能幫助降低膽固醇、高血壓,以及減少罹患心臟疾病與中風的機率。
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好健康熱頭條 ─睡眠長度可能影響糖尿病風險 Sleep Length May Sway Diabetes Risk 
好健康小單字─胰島素抗性 (Insulin Resistance) 
  好健康熱頭條 ─睡眠長度可能影響糖尿病風險


這項研究包含了超過1,100位住在波士頓裡面或周圍的中年和老年男性;研究人員包括了耶魯大學醫學院的H.Klar Yaggi醫學博士、公共衛生碩士。











  Sleep Length May Sway Diabetes Risk 
Skimping on sleep or overindulging in sleep might make diabetes more likely.

A study in Diabetes Care shows men who got little sleep (up to five or six nightly hours) or a lot of sleep (more than eight hours per night) were more likely to develop diabetes than men with moderate amounts of nightly sleep.

The study included more than 1,100 middle-aged and elderly men living in and around Boston. The researchers included H. Klar Yaggi, MD, MPH, of Yale University's medical school.

Getting too much or too little sleep could be a risk factor for diabetes, Yaggi's team reports.

Sleep and Diabetes
When the study started in the late 1980s, none of the men had diabetes.

They provided blood samples and were interviewed about their health habits, including their average hours of nightly sleep. Follow-up interviews were done in the mid-1990s and in 2002-2004.

Ninety new cases of diabetes were diagnosed during the study.

"Generally, those at the extremes in sleep duration [up to five hours and more than eight hours of sleep per night] had a worse risk profile in terms of diabetes risk than those who reported seven hours of sleep per night," Yaggi and colleagues write.

They took into account other factors that boost diabetes risk. Even so, nightly hours of sleep mattered.

Seven Hours Ideal?
Seven hours of nightly sleep might be ideal for taming diabetes risk, the study suggests.

Compared to men who slept for seven hours per night, diabetes risk was twice as high for men reporting little nightly sleep (less than five or six hours) and three times as high for men reporting lots of sleep (more than eight hours per night).

Think of Goldilocks, the fictional character from fairy tales. She hunted for a bed that wasn't too hard or too soft, and for porridge that wasn't too hot or too cold. The "just right" level was Goldilocks' goal, and if Yaggi's study is right, seven hours of sleep might be "just right" for lowering diabetes risk.

However, Yaggi's study doesn't prove that sleep habits caused (or prevented) diabetes in any of the men. Men reporting seven hours of nightly sleep also tended to be younger, more educated, in better health, and had higher testosterone levels, the study shows.

They add that the effects of sleep on diabetes risk may be mediated by changes in testosterone. Other studies have shown that low testosterone has been associated with risk factors for diabetes including obesity, body fat distribution, and insulin resistance.

SOURCES: Yaggi, H. Diabetes Care, March 2006; vol 29: pp 657-661. Reuters.

WebMD Medical News
by Miranda Hitti
Reviewed By Brunilda Nazario
  好健康小單字─胰島素抗性 (Insulin Resistance)
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好健康熱頭條 ─ 飲食與生活習慣可能影響眼睛健康 Diet, Lifestyle May Affect Eye Health 
好健康小單字─ 老年性黃斑部病變(Age-Related Macular Degeneration,AMD) 
  好健康熱頭條 ─ 飲食與生活習慣可能影響眼睛健康


根據最新研究顯示,吃得健康、不抽菸、不過重能讓你遠離老年性黃斑病變,研究人員包括哈佛醫學院與公共衛生學院的Johanna Seddon醫師。









  Diet, Lifestyle May Affect Eye Health 
Your eyes may be a window to your body's health, a new study shows.

The report, published in Nutrition, shows that diet and lifestyle might sway the odds -- for better or worse -- of developing age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

AMD is America's leading cause of vision loss. More than 13 million people in the U.S. show some signs of AMD, which is uncommon in people younger than 55. A new study shows that diet, smoking, and BMI (body mass index) may affect the chances of getting AMD.

Eating healthfully, not smoking, and not being overweight could help keep age-related macular degeneration at bay, according to the new study. The reverse also appears to be true, write the researchers. They included Johanna Seddon, MD, of Harvard Medical School and the Harvard School of Public Health.

Tracking AMD

Seddon and colleagues studied 934 people who were 67 to 71 years old, on average. Half of the participants were screened at a Boston eye and ear clinic. The others were screened at an eye clinic in Portland, Ore.

A total of 184 participants didn't have AMD. The rest had mild AMD (201 patients), moderate AMD (326 patients), or advanced AMD (223 patients).

Participants completed surveys about their diet and lifestyle. They also gave blood samples, which Seddon's team checked for levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) and homocysteine, which have been linked to increased risk of heart disease.

The researchers had previously reported that CRP and homocysteine are associated with age-related macular degeneration. This time, they checked how diet and lifestyle affected levels of CRP and homocysteine, as well as AMD risk.

None of the participants were asked to change their diets or lifestyles. The researchers just looked for patterns among the participants' habits, blood chemicals, and AMD diagnosis.

Eye-Opening Data

The researchers found that people who smoked, were overweight, and consumed fewer antioxidants (natural chemicals found in many fruits and vegetables) tended to have higher levels of CRP and homocysteine.

For instance, people who reported eating fish more than twice per week had lower CRP levels. This was also true for people who consumed higher levels of vitamin C, beta-carotene, and the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin.

CRP levels were higher for people who smoked or had higher BMI, the study also shows.

Lower homocysteine levels were seen in people with more vitamin E in their blood and those who consumed more antioxidants and vitamin B-6. But higher blood levels of vitamin E were also tied to higher CRP levels. That contradiction should be studied further, note Seddon and colleagues.

"Overall, these findings suggest that sick eyes may occur in sick bodies related to smoking, being overweight, and other unhealthy behaviors," they write.

"AMD is associated with immune, inflammatory, and other cardiovascular mechanisms, and these results emphasize the need to adhere to healthy lifestyles for your eyes and your body overall," Seddon says in a news release.

SOURCES: Seddon, J. Nutrition, April 2006; vol 22: pp 441-443. WebMD Medical Reference: "Understanding Macular Degeneration -- the Basics." News release, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary.

WebMD Medical News
by Miranda Hitti
  好健康小單字─ 老年性黃斑部病變(Age-Related Macular Degeneration,AMD)
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好健康熱頭條 ─ 迷上曬黑了嗎? Hooked on Tanning? 
好健康小單字─紫外線輻射(Ultraviolet radiation;UV) 
  好健康熱頭條 ─ 迷上曬黑了嗎?



Wake Forest大學Baptist醫學中心的皮膚科醫生Mandeep Kaur表示,開始時他們給常曬黑的人50毫克標準劑量的naltrexone,所有人都出現符合生理性的戒斷症狀:噁心、頭昏眼花、以及搖晃,所以他們必須停止那個研究。




研究結果刊載在2006四月號的美國皮膚醫學協會期刊(Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology)上。


提出2005年報告的作者Richard Wagner Jr.醫師指出,經常曬黑可能是一種物質濫用,他是位於蓋文斯頓的德州大學醫學院皮膚外科主任兼皮膚系副主任;Wagner醫師表示,這個想法是從不想停止曬黑的皮膚癌患者而來。









  Hooked on Tanning? 
Do you feel bad when you can't tan? You may be a tanning addict.

Last year, a study of beachgoers showed that people who tan a lot are much like people who drink or drug too much. That is, too-frequent tanners act a lot like addicts.

Now researchers report that frequent tanning isn't just like an addiction. It really may be an addiction.

The researchers looked at frequent tanners -- those who tan eight to 15 times a month. Their study shows that frequent tanners get withdrawal symptoms when given naltrexone, a drug that blocks a narcotic-like substance produced in the skin during tanning. But infrequent tanners who take naltrexone don't get withdrawal symptoms.

"In the beginning, we gave standard 50-milligram doses of naltrexone to frequent tanners," says researcher Mandeep Kaur, MD, a dermatologist at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center. "All of them developed symptoms consistent with physiological withdrawal: nausea, dizziness, and shaking. So we had to stop that study."

In their most recent study, Kaur and colleagues enrolled eight frequent tanners and eight people who tanned, but did so infrequently. They started them all on just 5 milligrams of naltrexone and gradually increased the dose. When they got to 15 milligrams, four of the frequent tanners got telltale withdrawal symptoms.

"Four of the eight frequent tanners ended up reporting nausea or jitteriness," Kaur says. "Two of them dropped out of the study after taking the 15-milligram dose of naltrexone."

None of the infrequent tanners got any withdrawal symptoms. And people who aren't addicted to narcotics rarely get these kinds of side effects from such a low dose of naltrexone.

"So I don't think it is a side effect of naltrexone. I think it is physiological withdrawal from tanning," Kaur says.

The findings appear in the April 2006 issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.

Hooked on Tanner's High?

Tanning, dermatologists have found, makes the skin give off endorphins. These opioid compounds make a person feel good. They are the reason endurance runners report "runner's high." Could there really be such a thing as tanner's high?

The author of the 2005 report suggesting that frequent tanning may be a type of substance abuse is Richard Wagner Jr., MD, deputy chairman of dermatology and director of dermatologic surgery at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston. Wagner says the idea came from skin cancer patients who couldn't stop tanning.

"Every dermatologist will tell you there are some patients we are concerned about," Wagner tells WebMD. "We know ultraviolet (UV) light can lead to skin cancer. Yet we all see patients with skin cancer who are always tan. We tell them not to tan on purpose, and some say, 'But doc, I like it too much. It makes me feel relaxed. I know I am getting skin cancer, but I can't stop.'"

So Wagner went down to the beach and gave addiction questionnaires to people who were sunning themselves. As many as half met the psychological criteria for substance-related disorder. That substance: sun tanning.

Drug of Choice: UV Light

Wagner and Kaur suspect that frequent tanners get hooked on the endorphins produced by tanning under ultraviolet light. The skin makes endorphins when it's exposed to UV light -- the same light that causes skin cancer.

"The problem with tanning is that the physiologic response of tanning is due to UV light," Wagner says. "UV light is a tumor promoter. That is why dermatologists try to limit their patients' exposure."

At their tanning research lab, Kaur's team has two identical-looking tanning beds. One uses UV light. The other does not.

The researchers enrolled eight frequent tanners and eight infrequent tanners in their study. They had them use both tanning beds and had them rate their preference. Then they gave each participant escalating doses of naltrexone or an inactive placebo pill.

The infrequent tanners slightly preferred tanning under the endorphin-producing UV light. Naltrexone slightly reduced this preference.

The frequent tanners greatly preferred tanning under UV light. This preference was markedly reduced when they were on 15-milligram or 25-milligram doses of naltrexone. And as noted above, four of these participants showed physical signs of withdrawal.

How can you tell if you're a tanning addict? Kaur says to look at how often you are sunbathing or visiting a tanning salon. Kaur says if you have an unlimited pass to a tanning salon and are going eight or more times a month, watch out. She also cautions about the hazards of tanning.

"If you are tanning yourself eight or more times a month, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. -- if you are baking yourself, this is going to affect you," Kaur says. "And that goes for tanning beds, too. They say they are safe, but there is no such thing as safe tanning."

UV light isn't all bad. Skin exposed to UV light makes vitamin D. Normal sun exposure generates plenty of vitamin D. Kaur says that people who avoid sunlight should make sure they get plenty of vitamin D.

SOURCES: Kaur, M. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, April 2006; vol 54: pp 709-711. Warthan, M.M. Archives of Dermatology, August 2005; vol 141: pp 963-966. Mandeep Kaur, MD, instructor in dermatology, Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center. Richard Wagner Jr., MD, professor and deputy chairman of dermatology; director of dermatologic surgery, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston.

WebMD Medical News
by Daniel DeNoon
  好健康小單字─紫外線輻射(Ultraviolet radiation;UV)
紫外線輻射(Ultraviolet radiation;UV)是許多太陽能量其中的一種,而一般我們常常說的紫外線有三種類型:紫外線A(UV-A)、紫外線B(UV-B)、和紫外線C (UV-C),它們分別穿透肌膚的不同深度。

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茶可以對抗卵巢癌與乳癌 Tea May Fight Ovarian, Breast Cancers
好健康小單字─ 類黃酮 (Flavonoids) 


哈佛公衛系的博士候選人Margaret Gates表示,綠花椰菜與羽衣甘藍也是富含對抗癌症類黃酮的來源,她有在研究這些食物與卵巢癌的關係;一般相信類黃酮具有抗氧化與抗發炎的活性,她的研究指出,女性增加攝取山奈酚這種類黃酮的量可以降低40%的卵巢癌風險。


研究人員向WebMD表示,如果你無法記住這麼多專有名詞,別擔心,它基本上存在於相同的東西中;Gates表示,茶對於降低卵巢癌的風險特別重要;北卡羅來納大學教堂山分校的博士候選人Brian Fink表示,茶也是能夠預防乳癌的重要物質。











加州大學聖地牙哥分校的預防醫學專家Cedric Garland表示,類黃酮是預防癌症的希望,他強調,類黃酮也可以用補品的方式取得;問題是,研究剛開始做,所以他們還不知道建議量是多少,最好就是用一杯茶吞下一盤綠花椰菜。
  Tea May Fight Ovarian, Breast Cancers
Potent chemicals found in tea can help ward off ovarian and breast cancers, new research suggests.

Broccoli and kale are also rich sources of cancer-fighting flavonoids, says Margaret Gates, a doctoral candidate at the Harvard School of Public Health who has been studying their link to ovarian cancer. Flavonoids are believed to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. Her research suggests that women who increase their consumption of kaempferol, a type of flavonoid, can lower their risk of ovarian cancer by nearly 40%.

A second study shows that women who consume a diet rich in other types of flavonoids - specifically, flavones, flavan-3-ols, and lignans -- can reduce their chance of developing breast cancer by 26% to 39%.

If you can't keep all those scientific names straight, no worries: It basically comes down to the same thing, the researchers tell WebMD.

For lowering ovarian cancer risk, "tea in particular may be important," Gates says.

For breast cancer protection, "tea again is the predominant contributor," Brian Fink, MPH, a doctoral candidate at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Both new studies were presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research.

Kaempferol Fights Ovarian Cancer

Gates analyzed data on 66,384 participants of the Nurses' Health Study, none of whom had ovarian cancer at the start of the study. Every few years, beginning in 1984, the women filled out detailed questionnaires that asked about their consumption of more than 120 foods.

Using the data, the researchers calculated each participant's intake of five different flavonoids -- myricetin, kaempferol, quercetin, luteolin, apigenin -- and of total flavonoids. Between 1984 and 2002, 344 of the women were diagnosed with ovarian cancer.

Gates says there was no link between total flavonoid consumption and ovarian cancer. Nor did myricetin, quercetin, luteolin, or apigenin significantly affect risk.

But the greater the consumption of kaempferol -- which the nurses got mostly from tea, broccoli, and kale -- the lower their chance of developing ovarian cancer.

So just how much kaempferol is enough? Gates says 10 milligrams to 12 milligrams a day, the amount found in four cups of tea or two cups of broccoli daily, appears to be protective. Both green tea and black tea will do the trick, she adds.

Gates says she'd like to see further research in this area. "If confirmed, flavonoid consumption would provide an important target for ovarian cancer protection," she says.

To look at the flavonoid-breast cancer link, Fink studied data from a large study of breast cancer rates and risk factors conducted among women living on Long Island, N.Y., in the mid-1990s. In 1996 and 1997, nearly 3,000 participants were interviewed at home about their lifestyle habits and given questionnaires that asked what they ate and how much they ate.

The study showed that postmenopausal women who consumed the most flavonoids were 46% less likely to develop breast cancer, compared with those who consumed the least. But the potent chemicals had no effect on risk in premenopausal women.

When the researchers looked at specific flavonoids in the postmenopausal women, they found that flavones reduce breast cancer risk by 39%, flavan-3-ols by 26%, and lignans by 31%.

In addition to tea, green salad, tomatoes, and apples are good sources of the breast cancer-fighting flavonoids, Fink says.

Other flavonoids, such as flavanones, isoflavones, and anthocyanidins, showed no relationship to cancer risk.

"Tiny differences in chemical structure could determine why one flavonoid is protective and one is not," he says. "More study is needed."

Promising Area of Research

Cedric Garland, DrPH, a preventive medicine specialist at the University of California, San Diego, says flavonoids are a promising area of research for cancer prevention. He notes that flavonoids are available in supplement form.

The problem: "The research is only beginning to be done so we don't yet know how much to recommend," he tells WebMD.

In the meantime, your best bet may be a plate of broccoli washed down with a cup of tea.

SOURCES: American Association of Cancer Research annual meeting, Washington, April 1-6, 2006. Margaret Gates, Harvard School of Public Health. Brian Fink, MPH, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Cedric Garland, DrPH, University of California, San Diego.

WebMD Medical News
by Charlene Laino
  好健康小單字─ 類黃酮 (Flavonoids)
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好健康熱頭條 ─ 薯條中有多少反式脂肪? How Much Trans Fat in Those Fries? 
好健康小單字─反式脂肪(Trans Fat) 
  好健康熱頭條 ─ 薯條中有多少反式脂肪?
醫生在新英格蘭醫學期刊(The New England Journal of Medicine)中表示,你在紐約的麥當勞與肯德基所買的雞塊與薯條,所含有的反式脂肪可能比在法國、倫敦、或是俄羅斯買的高。

Steen Stender醫師與同事們在寫給期刊的信中表示,全世界麥當勞與肯德基的雞塊與薯條中反式脂肪含量都不同,有時在同一個國家也有差異。







WebMD告知麥當勞與肯德基公司的媒體反應部門他們的評論,麥當勞公司藉由電子郵件發表聲明回應,該公司是由麥當勞的全世界品質系統及食品安全營養副總裁Catherine Adams博士負責。




  How Much Trans Fat in Those Fries? 
You may get more trans fat in chicken nuggets and french fries bought at McDonald's and KFC restaurants in New York City than in France, London, or Russia, doctors report in The New England Journal of Medicine.

In a letter to the journal, Steen Stender, MD, and colleagues show that trans fat levels vary worldwide -- and sometimes within the same country -- for McDonald's and KFC chicken nuggets and french fries.

Stender works at Gentofte University Hospital in Hellerup, Denmark. While traveling for other reasons between November 2004 and September 2005, Stender and colleagues ordered a large serving of french fries (171 grams) and chicken nuggets (160 grams) at McDonald's or KFC restaurants in 43 U.S. and international locations.

The researchers analyzed the foods' total fat and trans fat content.

Tracking Trans Fat

Trans fat, or trans fatty acids (TFA), are fats found in foods such as vegetable shortening, some margarines, and many processed foods made with or fried in partially hydrogenated oils.

Trans fat, like saturated fat and dietary cholesterol, raises the LDL (or "bad") cholesterol that increases your risk for heart disease, according to the FDA.

"It is recommended that the consumption of trans fat be as low as possible," write Stender and colleagues.

Stender's team writes that "the content of trans fatty acids varied from less than 1 gram in Denmark and Germany, to 10 grams in New York (McDonald's) and 24 grams in Hungary (KFC)."

Those numbers combine trans fat content for the chicken nuggets and french fries.

Trans Fat Levels Varied

For the McDonald's items, the top three locations for trans fat content were New York, Peru, and Atlanta. The results for McDonald's restaurants didn't include other U.S. cities.

For the KFC foods, the top three locations for trans fat content were Hungary, Poland, and Peru, the study shows. The only U.S. location on the list -- New York -- ranked eighth.

"The cooking oil used for French fries in McDonald's outlets in the United States and Peru contained 23% and 24% trans fatty acids, respectively, whereas the oils used for French fries in many European countries contained only about 10% trans fatty acids, with some countries as low as 5% (Spain) and 1% (Denmark)," the researchers write.

What about french fries in France? Trans fat content was in the middle of the range (15% for McDonald's fries and 8% for KFC fries).

The study doesn't cover every restaurant in every location. The findings may not apply in other cities or restaurants. The study didn't do a head-to-head comparison of McDonald's and KFC foods.

McDonald's Replies

WebMD called the media relations offices of McDonald's Corporation and KFC for their comments.

McDonald's replied by emailing a statement the company attributed to Catherine Adams, PhD, RD, McDonald's vice president of Worldwide Quality Systems, Food Safety & Nutrition.

"McDonald's takes the matter of trans fatty acids seriously," the statement reads. "In fact, it is important to note that this Letter to the Editor itself draws heavily from information provided by McDonald's web site -- a clear example of our commitment to transparency on this issue."

One of the five footnotes in the researchers' letter to the journal cites McDonald's nutritional information.

"McDonald's continues to work diligently on ways to reduce TFA levels in our fries," McDonald's statement continues. "Our reduction in the U.S. is taking longer than anticipated, as we have previously announced. However, we continue to progress in our testing and we are determined to get it right for our customers."

KFC sent an email to WebMD stating that "our product offerings vary from country to country to reflect local taste preferences, and we do make nutritional information available to our customers."

SOURCES: Stender, S. The New England Journal of Medicine, April 13, 2006; vol 354: pp 1650-1652. FDA: "Trans Fat Now Listed with Saturated Fat and Cholesterol on the Nutrition Facts Label." McDonald's Corporation, emailed statement attributed to Catherine Adams, PhD, RD, vice president, Worldwide Quality Systems, Food Safety & Nutrition.

WebMD Medical News

by Miranda Hitti
  好健康小單字─反式脂肪(Trans Fat)
所有動植物油脂都是由脂肪酸所組成,天然的脂肪酸都是順式的,植物油因含有多量不飽和脂肪酸而容易氧化,在加工過程所採取的氫化技術,可確保油質安定、耐高溫油炸、不易腐敗、易於久存,但植油物的脂肪酸 結構也由順式變為反式,成「反式油脂」。

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好健康熱頭條 ─ 纖維不只對你的腸道好而已 Fiber Good, and Not Just for Your Gut 
好健康小單字─膳食纖維(Dietary Fiber) 
  好健康熱頭條 ─ 纖維不只對你的腸道好而已

沒有參與研究的匹茲堡大學醫學中心運動營養主任Leslie Bonci研究員表示,現在營養學家更有理由強調纖維的重要性;他向WebMD表示,當人們想到纖維,就會想到腸道,也就是只對身體下半部有效果;但是現在令人興奮的是,纖維也對身體上半部有益,所以纖維是對從頭到腳都有幫助的,人們需要它。

位於烏斯特的麻州大學醫學院Yunsheng Ma醫師針對524為健康成人追蹤一年,在研究開始時,研究人員每三個月要抽血做實驗,並收集參與者所吃的詳細資料。



Ma醫師向WebMD表示,研究顯示,膳食纖維能預防心臟疾病與糖尿病,因為纖維有預防作用,所以人們要吃水果與蔬菜;Ma醫師的研究刊載在四月號的美國臨床營養期刊(American Journal of Clinical Nutrition)。

過重者得到最常見的第二型糖尿病風險會增加;位於德國Nuthetal的德國人類營養協會Martin O. Weickert醫師建議,纖維可能有幫助,吃大量麥麩等穀物纖維比較不會有糖尿病。




Weickert醫師向WebMD表示,在攝取了非水溶性穀物纖維後,這個分子機制是否會讓胰島素敏感性增加目前還不清楚,他計劃作更大型的臨床實驗來找出解答;Weickert醫師的研究刊載在四月號的糖尿病照顧(Diabetes Care)期刊中。



  Fiber Good, and Not Just for Your Gut 
Fiber isn't just for good for your gut. It fights heart disease and diabetes, new studies suggest.

There's more good news. You don't have to force yourself to eat massive quantities of unpleasant foods. The full-body benefit comes from eating the 20-35 grams of fiber per day recommended by dietary guidelines.

Now nutritionists have even more reason to stress the importance of fiber, says Leslie Bonci, MPH, RD, director of sports nutrition at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. She was not involved in the study.

"When people think fiber, they think gut -- it is just having an effect on the lower part of my body," Bonci tells WebMD. "But now it is very exciting to realize that fiber is having an effect in the upper body, too. Fiber is a head-to-toe body benefit. People need it."

Fiber for Heart Health

Yunsheng Ma, MD, PhD, of the University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester, followed 524 healthy adults for one year. At the beginning of the study -- and every three months -- the researchers drew blood for lab tests and collected details about what the volunteers were eating.

Most of the study participants were getting far less fiber than they should. They averaged only 16 grams of fiber a day. The 20% of study subjects who ate the least fiber got a little more than 10 grams a day. The 20% who ate the most got more than 22 grams a day -- within recommended levels.

Compared with those who ate the least fiber, those who ate the most were 63% less likely to have high levels of C-reactive protein (CRP). Although this relationship was stronger than other studies, consistently high CRP levels have been shown to predict an increased risk of heart disease and stroke. High CRP levels are also a sign that a person is at risk of diabetes.

"This study shows that dietary fiber prevents heart disease and diabetes," Ma tells WebMD. "The fiber offers protection. So people need to get their fruit and vegetables."

Ma's study appears in the April issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Fiber Fights Diabetes in Overweight/Obese People

People who are overweight are at an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, the most common kind. Fiber might help, suggests Martin O. Weickert, MD, of the German Institute of Human Nutrition in Nuthetal, Germany. Weickert noted that people who eat a lot of cereal fibers, such as bran, are less likely to get diabetes.

His research team studied 17 overweight or obese women. For three days, three times a day, the women ate some white bread. Half the women got plain white bread. The other half got bread spiked with 10.4 grams of oat fiber.

Over time, the bodies of overweight people become less and less sensitive to insulin, the hormone that controls blood sugar levels. This lack of sensitivity results in diabetes in some people. Weickert and colleagues found that the women who ate the oat fiber over the short three-day time period became significantly more sensitive to insulin.

What's going on? Cereal fiber is also called insoluble fiber. It can't be digested, but it does give bulk to the stool. That's good in and of itself. But Weickert suggests that increased insoluble fiber leads to more fermentation at the lower end of the bowels. This might set off a chain reaction that changes the way their body responds to insulin.

The molecular mechanisms leading to improved insulin sensitivity after consumption of insoluble cereal fibers are not clear at present," Weickert tells WebMD.

He's planning a larger clinical trial to answer this and other questions.

Weickert's study appears in the April issue of Diabetes Care.

Where to Find Fiber

People need both insoluble fiber and soluble fiber, Bonci says.

"You have to mix it up. Don't put all your bran in one box," she says. "Foods tend to have both. Apples, for example, have insoluble fiber in their skins and soluble fiber in their flesh. So foods are a better way to get fiber than supplements. You get the whole package with foods."

Foods with a lot of soluble fiber include:
• Oatmeal
• Nuts and seeds
• Legumes (peas, beans, and lentils)
• Apple
• Pears
• Strawberries
• Blueberries

Foods packed with insoluble fibers include:
• Whole-grain bread
• Whole-grain breakfast cereals
• Wheat bran
• Seeds
• Many vegetables, including carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, celery, and tomatoes

SOURCES: Ma, Y. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, April 2006; vol 83: pp 760-766. Weickert, M.O. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, April 2006; vol 29: pp 775-780. Yunsheng Ma, MD, PhD, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester. Martin O. Weickert, MD, German Institute of Human Nutrition, Nuthetal, Germany. Leslie Bonci, MPH, RD, director of sports nutrition, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.
WebMD Medical News
by Daniel DeNoon
  好健康小單字─膳食纖維(Dietary Fiber)
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好健康熱頭條 ─ Tamoxifen作為預防藥的疑問 Tamoxifen as Prevention Questioned 
好健康小單字─ 雌激素(EstrOgen) 
  好健康熱頭條 ─ Tamoxifen作為預防藥的疑問



加州戴維斯大學的研究人員Joy Melnikow醫師向WebMD表示,這個模式顯示,tamoxifen對於死亡率的影響力比預期少,因為它無法避免大多數因雌激素引發的致死性乳癌。









國家乳癌與大腸癌輔助性治療計劃的乳癌預防研究人員D. Lawrence Wickerham醫師向WebMD表示,少有高風險的婦女服用tamoxifen來作為預防藥物。


Raloxifen是由Eli Lilly所製造,並以Evista品牌銷售,是普遍的骨質疏鬆症處方藥,但是尚未核准為乳癌預防藥物。

Wickerham醫師表示,他們認為raloxifene比較好,並不是因為它比較有效,而是因為副作用比較少,Raloxifen能讓預防性治療既實用又有效,但是乳癌專家William J. Gradishar醫師並不確定,他在STAR的評論中指出,這兩種藥物的副作用差異不大,而且tamoxifen似乎能比raloxifene更能預防比較非侵入性的乳癌。





  Tamoxifen as Prevention Questioned 
Most women with an elevated risk for breast cancer will not live longer if they take the cancer prevention drug tamoxifen, a new study shows.

Researchers concluded only very high-risk women benefit in terms of life expectancy when they take the drug for prevention.

They calculated that women at the lower end of the high-risk scale would spend a whopping $1.3 million per year of life added if they purchased tamoxifen in the United States. In Canada, where the drug sells for much less, the cost per year of life saved was estimated to be about one-tenth that amount.

The researchers used a computer-generated model to predict life expectancies for a hypothetical group of women at high risk for breast cancer who did and did not take tamoxifen to lower their risk.

Researcher Joy Melnikow, MD, of the University of California-Davis, tells WebMD the model showed tamoxifen had less of an impact on mortality (death) than expected because it does not protect against the most deadly breast cancers -- those not fueled by estrogen.

Tamoxifen is a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) drug that works as an antiestrogen. Estrogen promotes the growth of most breast cancer cells. So the drug targets estrogen receptors on the cancer cells, which blocks estrogen from them. It is widely used as a breast cancer treatment, and was approved in 1998 by the FDA to lower breast cancer risk in women at high risk.

"The fact that the cancers prevented by tamoxifen and (the SERM) raloxifene are easier to treat and have a better prognosis really hasn't been considered before," Melnikow says.

All in the Numbers
Tamoxifen was approved for prevention, based on findings from a landmark government study in which high-risk women who took the drug for five years had a 49% reduction in breast cancer incidence, compared with women who did not.

High risk was defined as having at least a 1.67% risk of developing breast cancer within five years, based on a standardized risk assessment tool known as the GAIL model.

In the latest study, however, researchers estimated that mortality rates would actually increase slightly in women with this level of risk when the impact of estrogen-receptor negative breast cancers was considered. Estrogen-receptor negative breast cancers are not fueled by estrogen and therefore not helped with tamoxifen.

Meanwhile, tamoxifen use is associated with an increased risk for uterine cancer. Tamoxifen is also associated with increased risk for serious blood clots that can be life-threatening, and for cataracts.

The researchers concluded it would take a breast cancer risk of greater than 3% to derive a potential mortality benefit from tamoxifen.

The model did show a mortality benefit for tamoxifen users at all levels of risk if the women had had hysterectomies. The increased risk of uterine cancer from using tamoxifen does not exist for these women.

"The projected benefits of tamoxifen for women at or near the threshold risk for breast cancer of 1.67% are very small or nonexistent," Melnikow and colleagues conclude in the Sept. 1 issue of the American Cancer Society journal Cancer.

Melnikow tells WebMD that women with a five-year breast cancer risk of less than 2.5% or 3% should probably not take tamoxifen, especially if they have not had hysterectomies.

Tamoxifen vs. Raloxifene
Breast cancer prevention researcher D. Lawrence Wickerham, MD, of the National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project (NSABP), tells WebMD that very few women at the low end of the high-risk scale are taking tamoxifen for prevention.

Wickerham and colleagues recently reported findings from a long-awaited study comparing tamoxifen to raloxifene for breast cancer prevention in postmenopausal women.

He tells WebMD that the Study of Tamoxifen and Raloxifene (STAR) showed both drugs worked equally well, reducing breast cancers to about half of what would have been expected. But raloxifene was found to have a better safety profile, with a lower risk of causing uterine cancer, blood clots, and cataracts.

Raloxifene, which is manufactured by Eli Lilly and sold under the brand name Evista, is widely prescribed for osteoporosis, but it has not yet been approved for breast cancer prevention.

Fewer Side Effects
"We viewed raloxifene as the winner, not because it was more effective, but because it was as effective as tamoxifen with fewer side effects," Wickerham says. "Raloxifene may prove to be the drug that makes prevention treatment both practical and effective."

But breast cancer specialist William J. Gradishar, MD, is not yet convinced. In an editorial evaluating the STAR results, Gradishar noted that the difference in side effects between the two drugs was slight and that tamoxifen seemed to prevent more noninvasive breast cancers than raloxifene.

"Although media coverage of the early release of data from the STAR trial suggests a clear winner in raloxifene, the data from clinical end points and patient-reported symptoms suggest a less clear conclusion," Gradishar wrote.

Reluctance to Use Drug
The Northwestern University oncology professor tells WebMD that women and their primary care physicians have been slow to embrace tamoxifen for cancer prevention. He does not see them flocking to raloxifene once it is approved for this use.

"We are asking women to take a costly drug with potential side effects every day for five years to lower their risk for a cancer than may or may not occur," he says. "Not many women have been willing to do that."

And large numbers probably won't, he says, until better breast cancer prevention drugs with fewer side effects become available or there are better ways of identifying the women who are likely to get breast cancer.

If you're considering using one of these drugs, talk to your physician about what your breast cancer risk is.

SOURCES: Melnikow, J., Cancer, Sept. 1, 2006; vol 106: online edition. Joy Meinikow, MD, MPH, Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of California-Davis, Sacramento, Calif. D. Lawrence Wickerham, MD, associate chair of the National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project, National Institutes of Health. William J. Gradishar, MD, Division of Hematology/Oncology, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago.
WebMD Medical News
by Salynn Boyles
  好健康小單字─ 雌激素(EstrOgen)
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24Drs好健康報:減少熱潮紅 黑升麻無效!?

好健康熱頭條 ─ 黑升麻對熱潮紅無效  Black Cohosh a Bust for Hot Flashes 
好健康小單字 – 荷爾蒙補充療法(Hormone Replacement Therapy,HRT) 
  好健康熱頭條 ─ 黑升麻對熱潮紅無效 


結果顯示,荷爾蒙療法是唯一能明顯減少熱潮紅、盜汗、與其他相關症狀的方法;研究結果刊載在內科醫學年鑑(Annals of Internal Medicine)上。

研究人員Katherine M. Newton博士向WebMD表示,他們發現,黑升麻沒有效將會讓許多婦女失望,以荷爾蒙療法這種明顯有效的方式替代是不錯的選擇。






* 只用黑升麻(每天160毫克)
* 綜合多種草藥補充品,包括每天200毫克黑升麻、加上苜蓿、硼、當歸、人參、和其他草藥補充品。
* 綜合多種草藥補充品,不包括黑升麻,但有建議增加攝取大豆成分的食物。
* 傳統的荷爾蒙療法
* 對照組


* 多穿幾層衣服,以便於感到熱潮紅時可以脫掉。
* 身邊放些冰水或電扇。
* 在涼快的臥室睡覺。
* 避免刺激物,包括辛辣的食物、酒精、或熱的飲料。

全國老化協會的Sherry Sherman博士表示,感覺自己需要荷爾蒙療法的婦女,應該在最短的必要時間內服用最低的有效劑量。


最近有位女演員兼作家Suzanne Somers在兜售生物特性相同的荷爾蒙,它是比傳統荷爾蒙療法更安全的替代選擇;但是Sherman博士表示,如果這種荷爾蒙像傳統的荷爾蒙療法一樣有效的話,他們大概具有同樣的風險。

  Black Cohosh a Bust for Hot Flashes 
Millions of women have taken black cohosh to reduce hot flashes and other menopause-related symptoms, but the most rigorous study of the herbal supplement ever conducted shows no evidence that it works.

The federally funded trial was designed to compare black cohosh to other herbal supplements, traditional hormone therapy, and placebo treatment for menopausal symptoms.

Hormone therapy was the only treatment that clearly reduced hot flashes, night sweats, and other related symptoms.

The study appears in the Dec. 19 issue of the journal Annals of Internal Medicine.

"Our finding that black cohosh did not work will be disappointing news to many women," researcher Katherine M. Newton, PhD, tells WebMD. "It would be nice to find a clearly effective alternative to hormone therapy."

Looking for Alternatives
Most women experience hot flashes and related symptoms around the time of menopause, which typically occurs between ages 45 and 55.

Hormone therapy involving estrogen or estrogen plus progestin is very effective for reducing hot flashes, but concerns about safety have caused millions of women to abandon the treatment.

Those concerns appeared to be bolstered late last week with the news of a dramatic drop in breast cancers among American women.

Although the reason for the drop is not yet clear, many experts speculate that it is related to the decline in hormone use following the 2002 publication of the Women's Health Initiative study, which found an increase in both breast cancers and heart problems among users.

Many symptomatic women turned to black cohosh and other herbal supplements when they stopped taking hormones, but few well-designed clinical trials have been done evaluating the effectiveness of these products.

Studying Treatments for Menopause Symptoms
In an effort to address this, Newton and colleagues with the Seattle-based health care system Group Health Cooperative recruited 351 menopausal and newly postmenopausal women for their study.

The women were between the ages of 45 and 55 when they entered the trial, and all were experiencing at least two menopause-related symptoms a day.

Without knowing which treatment they were getting, all of the women took one of five therapies for a year. The treatments were:
• Black cohosh alone (160 milligrams daily)
• A combination herbal supplement that included 200 milligrams of black cohosh daily, plus alfalfa, boron, dong quai, ginseng, and other herbal ingredients
• A combination herbal supplement that did not include black cohosh but did include recommendations to increase the consumption of soy-based foods
• Traditional hormone therapy
• Placebo

The researchers found no significant difference in the number of daily hot flashes experienced by women on any of the treatments, with the exception of hormone therapy.

Women taking herbal supplements had an average of half a hot flash a day less than women taking placebo -- an amount not considered significant. By comparison, the women on hormone therapy had about four fewer hot flashes a day.

What Can You Do?
So what can women who don't want to take hormone therapy do to avoid hot flashes? There is some evidence that certain antidepressants help some. And lifestyle measures can make a big difference, Newton says. These include:
• Dressing in layers so that you can take off clothing when you feel a hot flash coming on.
• Keeping ice water or a fan nearby.
• Sleeping in a cool bedroom.
• Avoiding triggers, which may include spicy food, alcohol, or hot beverages.

Women who feel they need hormone therapy should take it in the lowest effective dosage for the shortest time necessary, says Sherry Sherman, PhD, of the National Institute on Aging (NIA).

"It may be that hormone therapy is more risky for some women than for others," she tells WebMD. "We would love to be able to identify those women who can safely take estrogen and those who shouldn't."

Those custom compounded hormones that have been the subject of much recent media attention were not evaluated in the new study.

Bioidentical hormones are being touted by some, including actress and author Suzanne Somers, as being safer alternatives to traditional hormone therapy.

But Sherman says if the hormones are as effective as traditional hormones, they probably carry the same risks.

Sherman is director of clinical aging and reproductive hormone research at NIA.

"Just because you take a drug and don't know the risks doesn't mean those risks don't exist," she says.

SOURCES: Newton, K.M. Annals of Internal Medicine, Dec. 19, 2006; vol 145: pp 869-879. Katherine M. Newton, PhD, associate director of research, Group Health Center for Health Studies, Seattle. Sherry Sherman, PhD, director, clinical aging and reproductive hormone research, National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md.
WebMD Medical News
by Salynn Boyles
Reviewed By Louise Chang
  好健康小單字 – 荷爾蒙補充療法(Hormone Replacement Therapy,HRT)
HRT,稱為荷爾蒙補充療法或是荷爾蒙替代療法,是指針對更年期或停經期婦女,給予適當的女性荷爾蒙【雌激素,雌素酮(Estrone, E1)、雌素二醇(Estradiol, E2)以及雌素三醇(Estriol, E3)】及黃體素【天然黃體素(C17類)以及合成的黃體素(C19及C21類)】補充,以緩解不適症狀,或預防一些中老年疾病的發生及惡化;除了一些絕對禁忌症外,絕大多數的婦女均可以使用。
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好健康熱頭條 ─宿醉頭疼的救兵  Hangover Headache Help 
好健康小單字 – 宿醉 (Hangover) 
  好健康熱頭條 ─宿醉頭疼的救兵 
真正的宿醉靠家人沒什麼用,唯一能治癒真正宿酒的方法是死亡。-- Robert Benchley, 美國幽默作家。



紐約羅斯福醫院頭疼學會的神經學專家Christine Lay醫師表示,的確有許多可以做的方法。Lay醫師與同事Christina Sun醫師把這種情況以文章發表在美國頭痛協會即將出刊的頭痛(Headache)期刊中。

























  Hangover Headache Help 
A real hangover is nothing to try out family remedies on. The only cure for a real hangover is death. -- Robert Benchley, American humorist.

The night before, one more glass of champagne seemed like a great idea. Next morning, your throbbing head suggests otherwise.

The last time this happened, you swore off overdrinking for good. That plan would have worked. But being someone who loses count from time to time, it was not the plan for you.

Many, many others are in the same boat. A 1992 Danish survey found nearly three-fourths of adults there occasionally suffer hangover headache, making it the most common form of headache reported.

Short of abstinence, is there any way to prevent a headache from too much alcohol? Is there a cure?

There is, indeed, quite a lot you can do, says neurologist Christine Lay, MD, of The Headache Institute, Roosevelt Hospital, in New York City.

Lay and colleague Christina Sun, MD, authored a forthcoming article on this condition in Headache, the journal of the American Headache Society.

Why We Get Hangover Headaches
Hangovers almost always come with a hideous headache. But you don't have to drink too much to get a hangover headache.

Lay says infrequent, light drinkers are more likely than heavy drinkers to suffer such headaches.

"You don't necessarily have to overdo it. Even dipping in just a little bit can cause a headache," she says.

This is because alcohol has both direct and indirect effects that contribute to headache.

The first thing alcohol does is cause dehydration. Alcohol switches off an anti-dehydration mechanism in the body, causing you to urinate more often than you should.

Alcohol also stresses your liver, making it less able to produce glucose. Glucose -- sugar -- is the fuel that drives every cell in you body. Brain cells are particularly susceptible to a shortage of this fuel.

Alcohol also affects the chemicals that cells in your body use to communicate with each other. One of these chemicals is prostaglandin, which regulates the way you feel pain, among other things.

Finally, alcohol has an inflammatory effect, making your blood vessels swell. This is why some people don't have to wait until morning for their headache.

The main indirect effects of alcohol come from a chemical called acetaldehyde, made as your body processes the booze.

This chemical works like a drug, making you sweat and flush, your heart race, and your stomach turn nauseous. If enough acetaldehyde accumulates in your body, you vomit.

Another indirect effect of alcohol is disturbed sleep. This is why it's so hard to "sleep off" a hangover.

"When you drink too much, you feel like going to sleep -- but there is a paradoxical awakening during the night," Lay says. "Alcohol interferes with rapid-eye movement sleep; and people wake frequently. This waking contributes to headache."

Preventing Hangover Headache
Like Benchley wrote, nothing short of death will keep you from getting sick if you drink huge quantities of alcohol. But if you plan to drink moderately, there are some things you can do to fend off a headache.

First, Lay says, eat a greasy meal before drinking.

Greasy foods coat the stomach and slow absorption of alcohol. And most greasy foods are full of carbohydrates, which turn into sugar in your body. That gives you an extra supply of the sugars alcohol causes to drop.

When choosing an alcoholic beverage, consider clear ones.

Dark beverages, such as red wine and whiskey, contain more of the flavorful substances called congeners. These natural byproducts of alcohol fermentation may contribute to the inflammation that worsens alcohol headaches.

When drinking, don't guzzle. Sip alcoholic beverages slowly. Give your body time to process the alcohol.

Between drinks, have at least one big glass of a nonalcoholic beverage.

Water is excellent. Fruit juices, such as tomato juice and cranberry juice, help your body replace the glucose it has losing due to alcohol. Soft drinks may also help in this way -- and the caffeine in some of these drinks may help counteract the swelling of small blood vessels caused by alcohol.

If you do consume caffeine, be sure to increase your water intake. Caffeine causes your body to lose water -- and nothing is more important than avoiding dehydration when drinking.

Lay off the cigarettes. Lay notes that smoking keeps your brain from getting the oxygen it needs.

And if you didn't already know that drugs aren't good for you, hear this: Don't drink and take drugs.

If you are taking prescription medications, talk to your doctor BEFORE you take a drink. Find out two things: Does alcohol block or enhance the effects of your medication? Does your medication enhance the effects of alcohol?

If you don't have stomach or bleeding problems -- and if your doctor says it's OK -- you might consider taking aspirin or one of the NSAID family of pain relievers, which includes naproxen and ibuprofen. These drugs inhibit prostaglandin -- that pain regulator -- and help counteract the prostaglandin-enhancing effects of alcohol.

Lay says some NSAIDs are particularly effective at inhibiting prostaglandin. One is a prescription NSAID called Ponstel. Another close relative of Ponstel -- not available in the U.S. -- is sold as Clotam in the U.K. A small 1983 clinical trial showed that people who take Clotam before drinking and before going to bed have milder hangover headaches.

"These drugs go after the bad guy in the hangover," Lay says.

However, Ponstel is not approved for use as a hangover remedy. Do not use it for this purpose unless your doctor specifically says you can do so.

DO NOT take either brand-name Tylenol or the generic brand, acetaminophen. In combination with alcohol, this drug stresses the liver.

Curing Hangover Headache
If your hair hurts as you read this, it's too late to prevent your headache.

Fortunately, it's not too late to do something to make yourself feel better.

"The most important thing is dehydration," Lay says. "Drink some water."

Even if you could manage it, a greasy meal isn't a good idea at this point. But you need something in your stomach.

Lay advises something bland, with protein and carbs -- a poached egg on toast should do the trick.

And take in some sugar. Acidic juices aren't going to go down well -- but a little tomato juice or apple juice would be great.

If your stomach can handle it -- and if you don't suffer from ulcers or bleeding disorders -- take aspirin, naproxen, ibuprofen, or another NSAID. Again, do NOT take acetaminophen (Tylenol).

If you suffer migraine headaches, it may be hard to tell whether you have an alcohol headache or a migraine. But if you have a prescription for one of the triptan family of migraine drugs, taking one might help, Lay says.

What about all those over-the-counter hangover cures? Lay says some of them can work.

"Most of these cures contain an anti-inflammatory drug -- whether aspirin or an NSAID," she says. "A lot have caffeine; and a lot have sugar byproducts in them.

"But most people might just as well drink in moderation, eat, get enough sugar, and maybe get some caffeine," she counsels. Along with that old standby, aspirin (or an NSAID), if you're not at risk of side effects, she says.

SOURCES: Sun, C. and Lay, C. Headache, 2007; manuscript received ahead of publication. Kaivola, S. Cephalalgia, March 1983; vol 3: pp. 31-36. Christine Lay, MD, The Headache Institute, Roosevelt Hospital, New York City.
WebMD Medical News
by Salynn Boyles
Reviewed By Louise Chang
  好健康小單字 – 宿醉 (Hangover)
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臺北市政府消防局忠孝高級救護分隊 王珏瑋




















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在眾多抗氧化劑中,植物多酚是一群相當具有消除氧化壓力的成份,在這 堭N介紹茶葉中含量相當多的綠茶多酚(兒茶素)。

茶是從Camellia sinensis的葉子及葉芽乾燥而成,在市面上可分綠茶、紅茶及烏龍茶;無發酵茶是綠茶,半發酵茶即烏龍茶,全發酵茶為紅茶。

綠茶多酚之所以用“綠茶”代表而不以紅茶稱之,是因為綠茶中的多酚化合物含量最多,包括黃烷醇類(flavanols)、 類黃酮(flavonoids)及一些酚酸(phenolic acids),其中綠茶多酚化合物以黃烷醇類為主,這類化合物就是所謂的兒茶素(catechins)(一般稱“茶單寧”,也是茶葉苦澀味的來源),佔綠茶葉乾重的30∼42%。



“紫外線A”波長是320∼400 nm,皮膚受A波侵襲後,紫外線A將可從皮膚表皮穿透,深入真皮層中,造成存在皮膚表皮底部黑色素細胞製造過多黑色素而使膚色變黑;若深入真皮中將可使真皮中的纖維母細胞製造出金屬螯合蛋白酶(MMP),金屬螯合蛋白酶是一種分解膠原蛋白的酵素,釋放至真皮中會將膠原蛋白分解,使真皮中的膠原蛋白消失,皮膚支撐力因而降低,造成皮膚外表深層皺紋的產生。




紫外線B(波長290∼320 nm),是最早被人類知道要防禦的紫外線,雖然比紫外線A穿透力弱,但因為它會造成皮膚立即的發紅及曬傷,因此人們很怕它造成的灼傷,而且過分的照射會使皮膚黑色素細胞及非黑色素細胞變性,造成黑色素細胞癌及非黑色素細胞癌(基底細胞癌及鱗狀細胞癌)的產生。

人們在很早以前就想盡辦法防禦紫外線B傷害,例如早期使用副作用大的防曬成分“對氨苯甲酸”(PABA),就是用來抵抗紫外線B的傷害,綠茶多酚(兒茶素)對抗紫外線B的功效也很早被學者深入研究,例如皮膚被紫外線B照射後,皮膚細胞會成為曬傷細胞(sunburn cells),進一步產生凋亡現象,使用兒茶素已有許多證據顯示,紫外線B引起細胞凋亡現象會被抑制下來,並且可減少紫外線B引起的發炎反應,例如發炎物質前列腺素(PGE2)的釋放、白血球的浸潤現象(leukocyte infiltration)及髓性過氧化氫 坌V色活性(Myeloperoxidase;MPO);由於可抑制白血球的浸潤,所以可減少白血球所產生的活性氧分子,另外紫外線B所引起類似紫外線A的MMP增加現象也可以被抑制下來,減少膠原蛋白被分解;進一步的研究顯示兒茶素可防止皮膚內酵素型抗氧化分子的消失,減少紫外線 B的傷害,一些研究也顯示兒茶素可減少細胞核內的去氧核醣核酸受到紫外線B的破壞(核酸分子內的pyrimidine鹽基變成雙合體的產生)。






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答:常見的吸入性過敏原,有家塵、塵 牷B羽毛、狗皮屑、貓皮屑、黴菌、花粉和蟑螂等。常見的食物性過敏原則,包括牛奶、蛋白、蝦子、螃蟹、蚌殼、海鮮等。另外,有些藥物如盤尼西林、消炎退燒劑等也是常見的過敏原。

在台灣地區,以家塵及塵 珙偃怚D要的過敏原。事實上,家塵中最重要的成分是塵 猁滷うn物。因此,也可以說塵 珙O國人最重要的過敏原。塵 珙O一種肉眼不易見到的小型節肢動物,經常在家庭中的地毯及床褥中發現。



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1.  空腹12小時後才抽血。


3. 未服任何藥物。

4.  並無節食減肥。





1. 高膽固醇血症

2.  高三酸甘油酯症

3.  偏低的高密度脂蛋白膽固醇









2. 脂肪的限制


4. 多吃植物性蛋白質

5.  纖維質攝取

6.  其他


1. 平時多運動,加強身體的鍛鍊,對高密度脂蛋白(優良的血贍固醇)的產生有很大幫助。

2. 養成良好進餐習慣,一定要照三餐吃,且在愉快情境中用餐,並維持營養的均衡。

3. 不抽煙、少喝酒、少喝咖啡,少吃點心。


5. 儘量減少應酬。

6. 避免常到外面餐廳吃大餐,如果非不得已須在外用餐,最好選擇合適的餐廳,並儘量挑選清淡食物食用。



9. 注意自身三酸甘油酯、膽固醇的數值,最好主動做檢查。


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1.  空腹12小時後才抽血。


3. 未服任何藥物。

4.  並無節食減肥。





1. 高膽固醇血症

2.  高三酸甘油酯症

3.  偏低的高密度脂蛋白膽固醇









2. 脂肪的限制


4. 多吃植物性蛋白質

5.  纖維質攝取

6.  其他


1. 平時多運動,加強身體的鍛鍊,對高密度脂蛋白(優良的血贍固醇)的產生有很大幫助。

2. 養成良好進餐習慣,一定要照三餐吃,且在愉快情境中用餐,並維持營養的均衡。

3. 不抽煙、少喝酒、少喝咖啡,少吃點心。


5. 儘量減少應酬。

6. 避免常到外面餐廳吃大餐,如果非不得已須在外用餐,最好選擇合適的餐廳,並儘量挑選清淡食物食用。



9. 注意自身三酸甘油酯、膽固醇的數值,最好主動做檢查。


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l  血壓是什麼?    血壓是血流衝擊血管壁引起的一種壓力。

l  收縮壓是什麼?  心臟收縮時,所測得血管壁所承受的壓力。

l  舒張壓是什麼?  心臟舒張時,所測得血管壁所承受的壓力。舒張壓值小於收縮壓值。

l  正常血壓的範圍是什麼?        收縮壓在130毫米水銀柱以下,舒張壓在85毫米水銀柱以下。

l  收縮壓在130至139毫米水銀柱,舒張壓在85至89毫米水銀柱之間者稱為正常但偏高之血壓。


l 定期做血壓的檢查。

l 注意自己的體重,使其維持在理想體重範圍內。

l 食用限鈉、低油飲食,並增加鉀的攝取量。

l 不要吸菸、喝酒。

l 經常保持大便通暢,預防便秘發生。

l 不要用太冷、太熱的水洗澡或浸泡過久。

l 做適度的運動。

l 要有充份的睡眠與休息,不要焦燥激動。






l   酸味

l   糖醋

l 油脂

l    甘美味

l  鮮味

l  中藥材與香辛料

l 焦味

l 低鹽佐料

l 低鈉調味品


1. 增進心肺功能。

2. 消除情緒緊張。

3. 避免便祕。



l  握拳運動

l  屈腿運動

l  腹部肌肉收縮運動

l 甩手運動


l 散步

l 慢跑

l 高爾夫球

l 園藝工作




l  胸部不舒服。

l  臉色潮紅。

l  出汗過多。

l  脈搏跳動超過每分鐘120次。

l  頭痛、頭暈。


 1茶匙食鹽=12 ½茶匙番茄醬

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