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好健康熱頭條 ─ 黑升麻對熱潮紅無效  Black Cohosh a Bust for Hot Flashes 
好健康小單字 – 荷爾蒙補充療法(Hormone Replacement Therapy,HRT) 
  好健康熱頭條 ─ 黑升麻對熱潮紅無效 


結果顯示,荷爾蒙療法是唯一能明顯減少熱潮紅、盜汗、與其他相關症狀的方法;研究結果刊載在內科醫學年鑑(Annals of Internal Medicine)上。

研究人員Katherine M. Newton博士向WebMD表示,他們發現,黑升麻沒有效將會讓許多婦女失望,以荷爾蒙療法這種明顯有效的方式替代是不錯的選擇。






* 只用黑升麻(每天160毫克)
* 綜合多種草藥補充品,包括每天200毫克黑升麻、加上苜蓿、硼、當歸、人參、和其他草藥補充品。
* 綜合多種草藥補充品,不包括黑升麻,但有建議增加攝取大豆成分的食物。
* 傳統的荷爾蒙療法
* 對照組


* 多穿幾層衣服,以便於感到熱潮紅時可以脫掉。
* 身邊放些冰水或電扇。
* 在涼快的臥室睡覺。
* 避免刺激物,包括辛辣的食物、酒精、或熱的飲料。

全國老化協會的Sherry Sherman博士表示,感覺自己需要荷爾蒙療法的婦女,應該在最短的必要時間內服用最低的有效劑量。


最近有位女演員兼作家Suzanne Somers在兜售生物特性相同的荷爾蒙,它是比傳統荷爾蒙療法更安全的替代選擇;但是Sherman博士表示,如果這種荷爾蒙像傳統的荷爾蒙療法一樣有效的話,他們大概具有同樣的風險。

  Black Cohosh a Bust for Hot Flashes 
Millions of women have taken black cohosh to reduce hot flashes and other menopause-related symptoms, but the most rigorous study of the herbal supplement ever conducted shows no evidence that it works.

The federally funded trial was designed to compare black cohosh to other herbal supplements, traditional hormone therapy, and placebo treatment for menopausal symptoms.

Hormone therapy was the only treatment that clearly reduced hot flashes, night sweats, and other related symptoms.

The study appears in the Dec. 19 issue of the journal Annals of Internal Medicine.

"Our finding that black cohosh did not work will be disappointing news to many women," researcher Katherine M. Newton, PhD, tells WebMD. "It would be nice to find a clearly effective alternative to hormone therapy."

Looking for Alternatives
Most women experience hot flashes and related symptoms around the time of menopause, which typically occurs between ages 45 and 55.

Hormone therapy involving estrogen or estrogen plus progestin is very effective for reducing hot flashes, but concerns about safety have caused millions of women to abandon the treatment.

Those concerns appeared to be bolstered late last week with the news of a dramatic drop in breast cancers among American women.

Although the reason for the drop is not yet clear, many experts speculate that it is related to the decline in hormone use following the 2002 publication of the Women's Health Initiative study, which found an increase in both breast cancers and heart problems among users.

Many symptomatic women turned to black cohosh and other herbal supplements when they stopped taking hormones, but few well-designed clinical trials have been done evaluating the effectiveness of these products.

Studying Treatments for Menopause Symptoms
In an effort to address this, Newton and colleagues with the Seattle-based health care system Group Health Cooperative recruited 351 menopausal and newly postmenopausal women for their study.

The women were between the ages of 45 and 55 when they entered the trial, and all were experiencing at least two menopause-related symptoms a day.

Without knowing which treatment they were getting, all of the women took one of five therapies for a year. The treatments were:
• Black cohosh alone (160 milligrams daily)
• A combination herbal supplement that included 200 milligrams of black cohosh daily, plus alfalfa, boron, dong quai, ginseng, and other herbal ingredients
• A combination herbal supplement that did not include black cohosh but did include recommendations to increase the consumption of soy-based foods
• Traditional hormone therapy
• Placebo

The researchers found no significant difference in the number of daily hot flashes experienced by women on any of the treatments, with the exception of hormone therapy.

Women taking herbal supplements had an average of half a hot flash a day less than women taking placebo -- an amount not considered significant. By comparison, the women on hormone therapy had about four fewer hot flashes a day.

What Can You Do?
So what can women who don't want to take hormone therapy do to avoid hot flashes? There is some evidence that certain antidepressants help some. And lifestyle measures can make a big difference, Newton says. These include:
• Dressing in layers so that you can take off clothing when you feel a hot flash coming on.
• Keeping ice water or a fan nearby.
• Sleeping in a cool bedroom.
• Avoiding triggers, which may include spicy food, alcohol, or hot beverages.

Women who feel they need hormone therapy should take it in the lowest effective dosage for the shortest time necessary, says Sherry Sherman, PhD, of the National Institute on Aging (NIA).

"It may be that hormone therapy is more risky for some women than for others," she tells WebMD. "We would love to be able to identify those women who can safely take estrogen and those who shouldn't."

Those custom compounded hormones that have been the subject of much recent media attention were not evaluated in the new study.

Bioidentical hormones are being touted by some, including actress and author Suzanne Somers, as being safer alternatives to traditional hormone therapy.

But Sherman says if the hormones are as effective as traditional hormones, they probably carry the same risks.

Sherman is director of clinical aging and reproductive hormone research at NIA.

"Just because you take a drug and don't know the risks doesn't mean those risks don't exist," she says.

SOURCES: Newton, K.M. Annals of Internal Medicine, Dec. 19, 2006; vol 145: pp 869-879. Katherine M. Newton, PhD, associate director of research, Group Health Center for Health Studies, Seattle. Sherry Sherman, PhD, director, clinical aging and reproductive hormone research, National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md.
WebMD Medical News
by Salynn Boyles
Reviewed By Louise Chang
  好健康小單字 – 荷爾蒙補充療法(Hormone Replacement Therapy,HRT)
HRT,稱為荷爾蒙補充療法或是荷爾蒙替代療法,是指針對更年期或停經期婦女,給予適當的女性荷爾蒙【雌激素,雌素酮(Estrone, E1)、雌素二醇(Estradiol, E2)以及雌素三醇(Estriol, E3)】及黃體素【天然黃體素(C17類)以及合成的黃體素(C19及C21類)】補充,以緩解不適症狀,或預防一些中老年疾病的發生及惡化;除了一些絕對禁忌症外,絕大多數的婦女均可以使用。
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